
Recent MIT Graduates Make Waves Through Their Ambitious Scientific Endeavors
By Kevin Purplevin
Monday, January 26, 2128

It is rare nowadays that I find myself awestruck in the presence of a brilliant mind. I’ve been writing for Smarty Pants Weekly now for over a decade and have had the pleasure of meeting dozens of inspired young men and women entering into a career of science. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t grown desensitized—but today? I write this article completely blown away by the potential I see in front of me.

The brilliance of MIT’s recent graduating class is evident. Many of the students I’ve spoken to in these past few months have surprised me in their passion for fields of science. This is how I felt when I sat down and had a chat with recent MIT graduate Dr. Scott Oppenheimer, graduating with 3 PhDs in varying fields of science. Just the following day, I had a chat with Dr. Adelaide Tracy, a brilliant robotics expert graduating from MIT with 4 PhDs, and fiancée to Dr. Oppenheimer.

The two scientists, 23 and 24 respectively, have turned their love for science and each other into a gift to all of humanity through the founding of their company, Oppie Industries. With Scott’s expertise in Bio-Chemistry and Biology, and Adelaide’s expertise in the fields of Engineering and Robotics, they’ve joined forces and began work on augmentations to assist humanity in the possibility of fallout in the case of the grim future where NASA fails to divert the Thanatos Asteroid Belt.

“Our primary goal has been to allow humanity to survive in harsher climates in the circumstance that NASA cannot divert the incoming asteroids. Additionally, in the case that the Mars relocation mission fails, it allows us a second chance at survival in an uncertain future.” — Dr. Scott Oppenheimer


Imagine a world where humans can willingly control their body temperature with the click of a button? A world where humans can fly, allowing us to travel long distances almost instantaneously? Made of extremely durable materials, the augmentations would be able to withstand the extreme heat and poor conditions of a post-apocalyptic earth, turning what could be the destruction of mankind into a minor obstacle we could easily challenge.

“Just think about how cool it could be if we all had an extra set of arms? Or maybe like, huge stretchable legs so we could step over cliffs and valleys in seconds? The possibilities are endless!” — Dr. Adelaide Tracy

And endless they are. With the numerous grants provided by MIT and other organizations, the couple’s big ideas could become a reality. With the mockups made by the couple and Dr. Tracy’s prototype limb augmentations, we know that these two are out to change the landscape so that there is a landscape to change for future scientists. We hope to see big things from these two at Oppie Industries.

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