November 1st, 4006 (Part 2)

Then, finally, the spirits snapped. Dan, Isaac, Stove and I did what we could to expel the ghosts. Dan tried reverse psychology. Isaac tried to suck them up with that little device, but obviously, it doesn’t work like that. They murdered GooIsaac in cold blood. Isaac was mortified.
rip to a real one
He tried everything to revive GooIsaac, but he was deader than dead. Per Isaac’s request, we buried him along the side of the cliff looking out at the ocean. During our funeral ceremony Isaac said “He was my boy. GooIsaac loved the ocean.”

Stove was quite moved by the funeral. He’d had enough, and tried to take the house back by force. In the process he was possessed, and the ghosts entered his body through the biggest orifice they could find: Stove’s nostril.

It was clear the cards were stacked against us. Using nothing but scraps, I created…

not my best work
The Bean Machine is a Stove tracker, created with the unique functionality of being able to detect his particularly unique stench.

I was forced to ideate a plan. We needed a way to track him down so we could catch him by surprise. The element of surprise was essential. The only way we were gonna be able to get rid of the ghosts was if we could get Stove to sneeze them out. The house was shrouded in darkness and none of the lights or electronics worked.

The idea was that Dan would light the way, I’d track Stove, and once we found him we’d make him sneeze using a bottle of pepper. It was fool proof.
We heard noises coming from upstairs. When we went upstairs to try to catch stove, he had slinked away and followed us from behind. They caught Dan and before we knew it, he was possessed too.

Things had become more intense. In the thick of it, I slapped stove with the Bean Machine. He broke it and chucked me 12 feet across our living room. (My knees are still sore.)

Dan was held in stasis by the flashlight he was carrying earlier and in the heat of the moment I realized that the ghosts are weak to light. Once I flashed it at Stove, he was disoriented. This gave Isaac an extra bit of time to throw the pepper, shattering it on his head. Stove sneezed out the ghosts.
the big sneeze
Weakened by the expulsion from their new vessel, the ghosts were much smaller in size again. Dan threatened them with holy water and they were gone in the blink of an eye.
not so tough now, are ya?
Continued in next post...