October 31, 4006

Hey guys… so things have only gotten worse this month.

Today I was sitting in my lab, working on the finishing touches of the G'Noosh. There's been a weird low rumbling throughout the entire house. I'm a little concerned.

Nails started disappearing, weird noises started echoing through the room. I'm just going to assume it’s Stove messing with me. He’s gone too far this time!

My wrench started floating. I can tell he had it attached to a series of strings to make my tools float. I tried to tell him to stop, but in defiance, he attacked me!!
whbat the fudikcdl;skajmw
Typically, my wrench does not do thispaspawkekeejdjdjddjjsaaaaaaaaaaajajfuufurhhrnejsjssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
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