September 18, 4006

Hey everyone,

Nice day out. Little chillier than usual. Been a quiet day at the lab, so I thought I’d catalog some of my thoughts. Today I’ll be talking about a theory that’s been wracking my brain for months.
Computing. Beep Boop.

Ever had a moment in your life that you wished never happened? Something you said you wish you didn’t say? Wish you were living in a better environment? Family troubles?

What if all of these fantasies came true? It seems like science fiction, I know. But what if science fiction is science fact?

Excuse the overabundance of rhetorical questions.

The idea of an alternate universe parallel to our own is not impossible. Our multiverse is so expansive—and the idea that an exact replica of our universe with differing events is out there is likely! Sometimes I’ve found myself dreaming. What if I was born into a world where the earth wasn’t destroyed? What if I got to live through humanity’s best moments? What if I lived on a thriving earth? I would adore it. Our planet was so beautiful!
The Planet Of Freaking Crazy
Instead I’m stuck living in a moment in time where the best is so far behind me. I was born too late. The earth is a husk, meekly whimpering for someone to take it out of its misery. I wish we could leave. But there’s nothing I can do.

I had a vision the other night. It was a dream about the day the cloning machine was made, except for some reason, things were… different.
slepy drool time
For starters, I had a much larger head. It looked like I had gained some weight. Now I’ve got a pudgy stomach—I’m fully aware of that. But besides the pocket of fat I’ve got on my belly, I’m actually very careful about my physique. So seeing a version of myself so husky… Felt incorrect to me.

Who IS this guy?? The one and only.

Even weirder, There was a graininess to it. Almost as if it was in poor video quality. I stiffly hobbled from pose to pose as I showed the others the cloning machine. I was horrified by the sight of my very elongated left arm.
Dan looked weird, I think he shaved his eyebrows or something. Stove’s nose was now grotesquely large. Plus, the corner of everyone’s mouths looked almost like they were sanded off! Things were off in the most subtle of ways. And it was beyond visuals. Nobody spoke with any enthusiasm. It felt like a warped recounting of events I’ve experienced through a much grainier lens. The biggest outlier was that key events didn’t happen. I remember distinctly watching a rocket from out of orbit crash land into Lonopolis. That was a key source of inspiration for me. But in my dream, it didn’t happen! I think about that moment all of the time. It felt weird to see visual imagery so striking excluded from my dream.
It got me wondering. What if this dream was something more? A vision of what life was like in an alternate reality? The version of me that I saw was clearly NOT me. That’s a stretch, I know. But it’s been wracking my brain for weeks now. Maybe I’m just getting stir crazy. Working in the lab for weeks on end HAS done a number on me mentally…

Who knows. Maybe alternate universes AREN’T real. Might just be paranoia talking.

Gonna try to get more sleep,
