September 12, 4006

Hey everyone,

So these last few days have been kind of peaceful. A nice change of pace.

For starters, big developments in the lab. Was able to get the materials I needed from the lab to get started on “The Big Project” (NAME TBD). There was a tiny little electronics store in the corner of the city that sold most of the high value parts I needed for decently cheap.

I’ve visited the city a couple times on my own since “the incident.” Stove was surprisingly not charged—in fact the general public attributed the fire to faulty wiring which is very much untrue. From what I’ve gathered, Meatball withheld the detail that Stove burnt it from all police reports. I respect that even despite what Stove did, he never breaks bro code.

surprising turn of events

Dan was upset at us for what happened in the city. He seems annoyingly keen on keeping a good relationship with the bulk of the clones. I don’t see why. They’re unimportant to us—more of a nuisance than anything. They’re not really worth the time. I consider the majority of them to be closer to robots than to people. There’s the occasional cool clone. But most of them suck! They’re just a failed experiment I can’t toss out. The consequence of a really big mistake.

…and most of them are mean to me.

Either way, they’re not a concern anymore. They can have fun playing government. I’ll be working on the mission, thank you very much.

Speaking of which…

The mission has been going well. For the first time in a while I’ve felt like maybe this is it! This might be the key to doing what I was tasked with. My blueprints are finalized, materials are in place, and I’m already about a week into building this next project. I’ve been so secretive because this time I’m not gonna fall into the same trap of showing an unfinished invention off to the others. It always backfires!

workin' hard or hardly workin?

We used to be so close, the four of us. It’s only been a little over a year since we emerged, but I don’t really join them when they hang out anymore. It’s just that like, they mess with me all the time! Sometimes it can get fairly annoying when I’m genuinely trying to make progress on an invention, because they can’t stay focused for more than two minutes. But if I keep my distance—nothing goes wrong! It’s what must be done for the greater good. I’m sure one day they’ll understand.

I just want to do the professor proud. Maybe once it’s all over and humans are back, I can try learning some new hobbies. Gardening always looked fun. my cool future

The journey continues,


look at this cool alien
so freaking cool
he's so awesome