August 17, 4006

Hey everyone,

Hope you’re all doing well. Things have been—different. It’s official. This new Stove ain’t the same as the old Stove.

For starters, there’s the vocal differences. Dan and Isaac didn’t notice the difference at all. It’s probably because the original voice Stove had was unremarkable—and he didn’t speak much. But now? Stove almost can’t stop talking. He’s also got a much shorter temper. Might be a result of possible damage to his brain.
shorter temper than usual...
Either way, he’s back, and even despite the minor behavioral differences, is still Stove. He enjoys messing with me as much as he always did. He also started wearing these stupid baby blue pajamas. I can’t take him seriously—he looks like a Smurf! I think he bought those pajamas because he’s been sleeping a lot more recently. Just like the old Stove however, he never showers! He genuinely reeks. I’ve considered spraying him with a pressure cleaner. Sometime I should study his habits because his hygiene is clearly awful.

In other news…

I was working more on my mission. When the cloning machine failed, inspiration struck. I witnessed a small craft crash into Clonopolis. It began to dawn on me the possibility of life on other planets. There are entire alien civilizations out there— I’m sure of it! I mean… statistically speaking. There’s gotta be. Right?
Well, I found something huge. In the professor’s files. I’ll talk more about it soon. But for now? I can tell you that my next big invention is just beginning. Once I work the logistics out, you guys aren’t gonna believe what I’m planning on doing. It’s my biggest invention yet.

I’d need to head into the clone city to find the materials I need. I used to love scavenging the abandoned Lonopolis for parts. But apparently now that the clones inhabit it, everything costs money!

Clonopolis’ whole thing seems to be booming. I haven’t visited since the clones left town. It feels weird to go out to see them given how… yknow… I kind of ended on bad terms with them. The one time I visited town, I could only make it past the entrance sign before I noticed at least four clones giving me shifty looks from the distance. I wasn’t really interested in getting assaulted.
shifty looks
I don’t think the others have been too deep into the city just yet, maybe besides Dan. He’s been on a painting spree. He keeps making these paintings that look like chicken scratch and then heading out into the entrance of Clonopolis to sell them. And surprisingly—he’s been turning a profit! He comes back home with buckets of “studs” I think they’re called? Clonopolis’ currency isn’t paper money like what humans use. It’s a plastic building block that human children used to play with. I’m unsure what makes it so valuable, but clearly it’s working out for Dan.
secret money maker
Dan’s been asking us for weeks if we wanted to visit the clones and really explore the city, but I’ve been hesitant. Again, I’m not entirely interested in surrounding myself with the product of my biggest failure. Maybe another time.

Anyways, I’ve gotta get back to it. Big things are coming,
