August 9, 4006

Hey everyone,

Been building weapons recently. Just outside of Lonopolis (now named Clonopolis, apparently?) there’s an infestation of irradiated ants. They’re at least 7 feet tall! Beyond enormous. Better to be safe than sorry. The last thing I’d want to deal with right now is any unwanted death or injury.

Started messing with a design for a Ray-Gun. It’s powered by some chunks of the radiated asteroids just on the outskirts of the cliff. The goal I had in mind for it is for it to leave the exterior of the creature intact, but to liquify the insides of whoever gets shot. In most cases it works, but in the case of a misfire, it will serve as, essentially, a glorified taser.
shooty shooty bang bang
In other news, in regards to the cloning machine thing: it didn’t really work.

I placed the skull inside the first chamber, and when I walked to the other chamber, it just left me with a second skull!

I tried troubleshooting—I thought maybe I didn’t have the right setting selected. But no, the human skull is infested with radiation. The DNA is so damaged that there wasn’t even a point in trying! This is beyond infuriating. I was hoping that at least by rebuilding it, maybe I could prove to myself that I was on the right track!


Either way, I know the cloning machine is a no-go. At least I still have it in case of emergency, but it doesn’t help me towards my mission. I’m going to have to dig through the professor’s files again. I’ve looked through those things 30,000 times, but one more time doesn’t hurt.

Wish me luck,
