July 31, 4006

Hello! Welcome to my web site!

This is my first time using the internet. I recently discovered the “web” where I could create and share my thoughts and ideas to a large crowd of people through the click of a button. What a time we live in!

I discovered it when I saw Stove and Dan laughing while staring at the television. They connected a whole computer to the monitor. When I inquired about what was so funny, they seemed to tense up. I pushed them out of the way and discovered a “gif” of me with stink lines above my head. It was not at all accurate to the way that I look. How disrespectful. Why did nobody tell me about this?
smelly >:(
I did some digging and discovered that the clones did not want to tell me about it because they CLEARLY don’t understand the potential of my presence. I will own all of the “noobs” on the “chat boards” and such. I do enjoy the feeling of getting to catalog my thoughts in excruciating detail. This is a much fancier alternative to hand delivering my notes to the clones. They don’t seem to like me very much.

I will be posting all about my adventures and experiments. Stay tuned for future updates,
